Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas Shopping Year Round

I am such a procrastinator - but hate it! Every year I say I'm going to start my Christmas shopping early, but never do, then we're hunting around two weeks before Christmas and not finding anything we want. Humph!

So I've decided this year I'm starting NOW!!! We hit thrift stores and garage sales weekly (well maybe not the garage sales THIS time of year) - and find some fantastic stuff. Usually I'm looking with the "eye to sell", not the "eye for gifts" - but I'm going to purpose this year to look through both eyes! I have already decided what I'm going to make for my sisters and nieces. That will require purchasing some fleece - so if I do one a month, I'll have them done long before Christmas. Now I just have to get my hubby to be on the same page as me!

Hold me accountable oh dear blog.

Next time...Garden planning!!!